by Tommy Tenney
Book review by Janice Byrd

One Night with the King
by Tommy Tenney is Biblical
fiction. The novel begins with a contemporary bride Hadassah,
living in Jerusalem. Hadassah has inherited an ancient letter
written by her grandmother one hundred times removed, Queen
Esther of Persia. The letter had been written in Esther’s later
years to a young Jewish girl also chosen, as she had been, as a
candidate for Bride of the King.
Queen Esther tells her story as a means of impressing upon the
young candidate the utter importance of heeding the protocols of
the palace. “You will never again come this close to such an
opportunity for power and influence,” Esther advises her
protégé. “One night with the King changes everything.”
Tenney’s novel is historically accurate and true to the Biblical
story of King Xerxes, Mordecai (Esther’s uncle) and Haman, the
provincial governor determined to annihilate the Jews. As with
any historical fiction, additional characters, back-stories and
subplots have been added to put the story in context and to give
some motivational explanation to contemporary readers not
familiar with ancient cultures and practices. Still, I marveled
at how a man could write with such feminine feelings and
Unfortunately, a subsequent movie,
One Night with the King,
is based on Tenney’s 2004 novel but strays somewhat from the
dialog and characters of the book, and takes poetic license with
the Biblical account. Tenney has recently written a sequel to
Hadassah titled,
The Hadassah Covenant: A Queen’s Legacy
in which he continues his story of the contemporary Hadassah and
the young Jewish candidate Leah to whom Queen Esther originally
addressed her memoir.
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