by George G. Hunter III
Book review broadcast by Janice Byrd

The Emergent Church outreach
of today uses movies, theater, and literature to communicate and
converse with Postmoderns, but centuries ago, Irish Christians
pioneered the use of the arts and storytelling to reach the
pre-Christians of Europe. In his book, The Celtic Way of
Evangelism, George Hunter explains the Celt’s
“culture-friendly” way of evangelizing.
“The gulf between church
people and unchurched people is vast,” says Hunter, . . . “but
if the unchurched know and feel we understand them, by the tens
of millions they will risk opening their hearts to the God who
understands them.” That key to evangelism, practiced by St.
Patrick in the fifth century, is the Celtic way of reaching
pre-Christian or postmodern western culture.
Unlike the Roman way of
evangelism which initially engaged people as sinners, the Celts
tried to see the goodness in people, to perceive God’s view of
their potential. This way of initiating a conversation with
people is quite different from the traditionally- taught
practices of twentieth-century evangelism, sometimes making it
difficult for modern evangelicals to embrace the Celtic way.
Secular people, called pagans
by the Celts, want to know what Christians believe, and if we
live by it, but more importantly, they want to know--does it
make a difference in our lives? Hunter believes that only as we
live in community with unbelievers will they discover that they
matter to the God of our Christianity. The Celtic way of
evangelism is, at its core, helping people belong so that they
can believe.